





Genesis 1-2

Genesis 1-2

Genesis 3

Genesis 3

Genesis 4

Genesis 4:7

Genesis 6-9

Genesis 11

Genesis 12

Genesis 12, 18, 21, 22

Genesis 35

Genesis 35

Genesis 37

Genesis 37

Genesis 37

Genesis 37

Genesis 37-41

Genesis 39

Genesis 39-40

Genesis 40

Genesis 41

Genesis 42-45

Creation Wheel


Children spin the wheel to learn the different days of creation.

See Also: Creation Bulletin Board

Creation Booklet


Children trace number words and glue pictures on the correct day.

See Also: Creation Bulletin Board

Adam & Eve Booklet


Children trace words and glue pictures retelling the story on the correct pages.

Adam & Eve Worksheet


Students compare the world before Adam and Eve sinned with the world after they sinned. Students glue pictures to the correct side of the page.

Cain or Abel?


Children match the pictures to the correct brother.

Cain - Slam the Door


Children decide which pictures to "slam the door" on and which pictures to let in.

Noah Lift-the-Flap

Toddler, Preschool

Students lift flaps to find the answers to the questions about Noah.

Tower of Babel

Toddler, Preschool

Children build the tower by answering the questions.

Abram Follows God

Toddler, Preschool

Children "pack" a suitcase comparing the things Abram need for his journey to Canaan with the things we need for our journey to Heaven.

Abraham Lapbook


Children trace Abram's journey on a map, and discuss the things he took on his journey. Students learn the three promises God made to Abraham. Also, children can use velcro figures to retell the stories of Abraham's Three Visitors, the Birth of Isaac, and Abraham's Big Test. Also included is a matching quiz.

Jacob's 12 Sons


Students glue or velcro the son under the correct mother by matching the first letter of the names.

See also: Abraham's Descendants Bulletin Board

Jacob's 12 Sons


Students read the Bible verses listed to find the names of Jacob's twelve sons. Younger children can glue the provided pictures, while older children can write the names.

See also: Abraham's Descendants Bulletin Board

Joseph's Two Dreams


Children can retell the story of Joseph's two dreams and their meaning with a story wheel.

Joseph's Two Dreams


Children answer questions by velcroing (or gluing) the correct pictures on the paper.

Joseph Color By Number


Students can color Joseph's coat using the number key provided.

Joseph in the Pit

Toddler, Preschool

Children can retell the story of Joseph in the pit using Velcro.

Joseph's Many Robes

Toddler, Preschool

Review the stories of Joseph using the different robes Joseph wore in his life.

Joseph Goes to Prison


Children put the pictures of the story in order.

Joseph Blooms in Prison


Emphasizes that we can bloom wherever we are planted like Joseph bloomed while in prison.

Joseph Interprets Dreams in Prison

Toddler, Preschool

Review the story of Joseph interpretting the dreams of the cupbearer and the baker. Prison doors and dreams velcro on for repeated use.

Joseph Pyramid

Toddler, Preschool

Review the difficult trials of Joseph using panels on the pyramid. Then open the pyramid up to see how God used the difficult times in Joseph's life for good.

Joseph Forgives His Brothers

Toddler, Preschool

Students mend Joseph's broken heart when he forgives his brothers.

See Also: Joseph & Brothers Reunited Posterboard