Daily Routines and Chores

Toddler, Preschool, Special Needs

Children check off each chore or activity after they have completed it.  Each time and picture Velcros on and off.

Other Homeschool






Rocket to the Moon Reward

Toddler, Preschool, Special Needs

Children move up one line each time they complete a certain task.  Reward your child when they reach the moon.

God's Circle of Blessings

Toddler, Preschool, Special Needs

When a child misbehaves, their picture is moved outside the circle.  Thir picture is moved back into the circle after they say they are sorry and ask for forgiveness.

Thankful Turkey

Preschool, Elementary

Children write something they are thankful for on each turkey feather.

Valentine's Day Love Tree

Preschool, Elementary

Children trace their hand and arm to make a tree and then glue hearts on it saying what they love about someone.

ABC Memory Verses

Preschool, Elementary

Non-reading children learn the memory verses by looking at the pictures.  Reading children learn the memory verses by filling-in-the-blanks.

The Star Polisher

All Grades

Poem for Teachers